Another weekend over...
Monday, Tuesday morning actually and this week is set to be one of the busiest weeks of our calendar yet.
I think I've perfected the Coconut Souffle enough to put it on the menu. Last Saturday, we made it for Pauline's "last supper" before she left for Oz to go home. And it seemed like everyone enjoyed it as it was polished off. Bryan practically scraped the glaze off the plates.
The Knorr Function was also on that night at Mango Tree. Something we decorated. The Knorr folks and Mixfm seemed very happy and promptly paid us in full. Which is always nice.
I was trying to take a few pictures with my Sony and of course it decided to pack up right at that moment. What with the rubber grip about to fall off, the batteries with about as much energy as I do, and the chassis as scratched and pockmarked as my chicken pox scars, I think it's almost time to pick up a new digital camera.
As I contemplated that prospect, I felt a flush of excitement and then regret. My old clunker has served me well. There have been some really good shots taken with that camera but after close to 4 years, I guess it is time to let it move on to the digital camera playground in the sky.
The fantastic thing was Allan and I were home at 11pm and comfortably cuddled up in front of the tele at 11.05. Can you imagine? Home before midnight...on a Saturday night.
Sunday dawned bright and clear and I was gripped by an overwhelming need to be alone surrounded by quiet. Instead of going to church, I stayed at home after promising Allan that we'd go view a cake chiller together at 12.30pm.
After doing exactly that, we took a short walk accross the street to "The Vanilla Box Cafe" and was invited in to have a chat. Upon finding out that we were the "Just Heavenly" boys, Beatrice, one of the owners kept on enthusing about our so called "celebrity" status. Never am I more uncomfortable when people do that! I don't see myself as a "celebrity" and I know that it's something Allan finds very hard to believe as well. We both left the cafe after a nice little chat and an Iced Chocolate and Iced Green Tea Latte rather nonplussed.
A quick lunch at the "Yee Pei Wantan" place and I zipped off home while Allan decided to spend some time with his Mum and Aunts, who, I later discovered were baking cookies/biscuits. Later that evening, we had the most wonderful home made "apum" and "dhosai" with the Soosays', Dad's & Mum's old friends.
Monday, the last day of our "weekend" was spent running errands and finishing up some backlogged paperwork. Well, we're always backlogged, if truth be told.
Got the opportunity to spend some time with Glenn. A rather cute guy. Both of us have fun flirting with each other and he's obviously in the stage of his life where he's taking stock and making a choice of where he'd like to go. Did I mention that he's got a cute butt too?
A last minute call from Mum meant that Allan, myself, Mum and Dad managed to have dinner together before I zoomed off to my first Phil rehearsal in 2 and a half years, while Allan stayed back with Serena, JP, and Mum to play a few rounds of mahjong.
I must say the Phil's improving and this time I get to sing with the tenors! Should be fun!
Food, life, and fun in my "kampung,"(village), KL (Kuala Lumpur). Did I mention "food?"
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