
Food, life, and fun in my "kampung,"(village), KL (Kuala Lumpur). Did I mention "food?"



Time & Tide

By Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy

Oh mah goodness, oh mah goodness...it's been a munthh...

Reading Chris's blog and even with his busy schedule - holidaying and jetsetting - he somehow finds time to write something, sort of made me think. Maybe I should jot down some thoughts for the new month of May too.

Reread my blogs of a month ago and remembered that part of the reason that I didn't want to write anything was because the death of the pups was very upsetting. However, since then we've been watching the little ones grow into beautiful little dogs, each with their own personality, and I must admit that perhaps it was a blessing in disguise and nature usually knows what to do.

Why I say this is because, even when they were small it was very difficult to make sure that all 5 were accorded space at the "milk bar." Abby has about 9 working teats but when she lies down, the pups don't always have access to all of them. At any one time only 5 are usually exposed.

The 3 little boys grew faster in terms of body size and personality but the little girls are just now coming into their own. They're waddling everywhere now, and with each day comes extra stability. Really cute!

The biggest fellow is a boy and he looks EXACTLY like this.

The Malaysian Kennel Association just called and they are going to have microchip implants and their vaccinations next week or so. Just in time for viewing.